Trophy value, desirability, and ease of program administration lead benefits.
Make your employees happy with your incentives. Marketing Innovators shares insights on the tax code and the importance of effective communication.
Companies that commit to engaging and empowering their employees—front-line and back office— increase customer satisfaction by 54 percent [...]
Workplace wellness programs and employee engagement are strongly linked. Wellness programs are a top engagement strategy, and engaged [...]
Drawing on extensive research, and the survey conducted by MI, this Workspan white paper not only tells you why measurement is important [...]
Social recognition is increasingly recognized as a powerful employee recognition tool. When organizations adopt social recognition platforms [...]
Employee engagement is critical to lower turnover, higher productivity and strong financial performance. Yet a recent Marketing Innovators [...]
Drawing on extensive research from well-respected sources, this white paper from Marketing Innovators outlines in detail 10 steps that show how [...]
Are you confident that your channel incentives are on target and delivering the impact you want? This white paper from Marketing Innovators [...]