The holiday season is traditionally a time for showing employees appreciation; office parties, small gifts, and even bonuses are common expressions of gratitude. But employers are well positioned to give their entire workforce a gift of lasting value, the gift of wellness. This gift can be as simple as incorporating fresh vegetables and low fat, low salt offerings to the office party menu or as wide-ranging as daily wellness tips or offering a gym membership as a grab bag gift.
Here are some wellness thoughts to share with your employees:
Is the focus on employee wellness worth the effort? Absolutely. And not just during the holidays. Productivity losses due to health issues are an estimated $225.8 billion annually according to the Centers on Disease Control and Prevention. A meta analysis by Health Affairs and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found a 25 percent decrease in sick leave, health plan costs and workers compensation and disability among companies with wellness programs.
At Marketing Innovators, we found dramatic results from our own employee wellness program. Virtually all participants improved their blood pressure and cholesterol levels, 67 percent improved their triglycerides, and overall physician visits declined by 25 percent over a two-year period from 2009 to 2011. The full case study can be accessed at: MI Employees Reap Wellness Program Benefits
The holidays are a time of celebration. With the gift of wellness, there is even more to celebrate.